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SAE Requirements




adapted from Important SAEP Update, August 1, 2003

Agricultural Science and Technology, Texas Education Agency

Career and Technology Education; 2002-2003 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, Page 6

(4-10) To be eligible for career and technology contact hours, each student enrolled in Agricultural Science and Technology must accumulate at least 110 Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAEP) hours per semester. The 110 hours can be obtained through an approved Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAEP) and completion of the course. Upon completion of the course, the student may obtain 75 of the 110 hours. The remaining 35 hours may be obtained by the student completing suggested activities for outside classroom hours, or a combination of outside classroom hours and SAEP. SAEP records must be on file to document each student's successful completion of this requirement.

Each student may fulfill the 110-hour (minimum total) requirement by obtaining:

75 hours maximum by completing the course, and

35 hours minimum outside of class time activities.

Further explanation of hours:

The 75 hours obtained by completing the course.

a. These hours may be written as a single journal entry. If you choose to write it as a single entry, list it under Unit A. Make this entry more descriptive of what all the class involved.

b. If you choose to write the 75 hours as multiple entries, list each entry under the appropriate unit of instruction.

The 35 hours obtained outside of class time.

a. A maximum of 20 hours may be derived from an approved SAEP, such as the traditional animal or crop project. These hours may be written as a single journal entry. If you choose to write it as a single entry, list it under Unit A. Make this entry more descriptive of what the entire project involved. Financial records of the SAEP must be documented in the FFA record book.

b. For each unpaid curriculum related activity conducted outside of class time, a student may claim the actual number of hours worked with a maximum of 20 hours.



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